It was around 6 pm the second day after that ill-fated evening. Our brother has just been prepped and taken to the theatre for surgery (the first time I stepped into a theatre).

Bishop and I stood outside the public ward and discussed everything and anything. Through the window closest to us I could see the lady brought in earlier today by her husband and her daughter, the woman seemed to be in some pain but nothing too serious. I watched the husband try to get her to eat so she could take drips and drugs, he even wanted to sit her up.

As I watched my mind drifted to how far this couple has come — the man should be in his late 60s or early 70s and the lady should be in her late 50s or mid-60s, I watched as the daughter ran around to bring everything she needed. After a while, the lady laid down to rest so I drifted back to my discussion with Bishop.

Later on, my ear caught wind of the husband asking the lady what the issue was, she said she couldn’t breathe, and her oxygen mask seemed to be choking her. I thought it wasn’t something serious so I was focused on my discussion. Again, my attention was drawn to the woman as her husband tried to get her to sit up so she could breathe as the oxygen mask seemed not to help at all. The husband started telling the daughter to call for the nurse or doctor, and I quickly called the attention of the nurse. She came and went back to call some other nurses and also bring the monitor for reading heartbeats, at this point, our attention was already drawn to the scene unfolding before our eyes. The doctor checked her pulse and other vitals, and the husband kept saying her name.

I could see the lady was trying so hard to breathe and slowly losing consciousness, they put her oxygen mask back on and it seemed to be choking her again so they had to remove it.

All of a sudden, just like we see in the movies, I could notice that she had become unresponsive. The doctor ordered the nurse to begin CPR coupled with light slaps to her face and screams of

Madam, Madam…

The doctor kept on doing the CPR and checking her vitals for a while but from his expression, I think he already knew the lady was gone. He signaled his nurse to call the time of death and she noted the time of death in her book. I can’t recall them using a Defibrillator but they did try, just that they had no clue what was wrong with the lady.

Tears were already rolling down my eyes as I watched how the husband kept calling her name, telling her not to disappoint him. The daughter was just calling her

Mummy, Mummy…

They didn’t know at this point that the lady was dead but I and my friend already understood from looking at the doctor’s face. He told them to excuse him a bit and immediately took his phone, I could hear him vaguely saying with tears in his eyes,

I just lost a patient.”

One of the nurses then signaled to the others to start packing up the equipment and then she told the man the news. The man stood there and couldn’t say a word.

The daughter was hysterical; she literally didn’t mind taking off her clothes (a girl of 15/16 mind you). She cried for her mummy; she begged her to answer her, and she told her mummy that if she answered her, she would definitely stop crying.

She was in total disbelief!

She moved back away from her mum’s corpse, cleaned her eyes, and stopped crying, then she went closer and started talking to her mum again calmly and begging her mum to please respond.

At this point, the father was telling her to calm down, he stepped outside past me and my friend and I heard him while he was making a phone call, he said with a broken voice as he tried to wipe his tears,
Nna, this woman has done it; she has left me. I just lost her now.
I watched them cover this lady that was brought in here walking and able to move around, fear gripped me to the bones. Bishop and I decided to go to a nearby hotel to sit in their bar and have some bottles of beer to calm our nerves.

When we walked into the bar, I could see the doctor sitting in a corner all alone with his bottle of beer, he was young I don’t think he is used to these things.

I wondered, is this really the end of it all???
Is this how we will all one day go out???
If yes, then why all the stress and hustle???
Why the rush???
The futility of our existence dawned on me as I gulped down a cold bottle of Heineken.

I understood that it’s not about having a doctor around, it’s about having the right doctor around; Someone who can at least understand or guess what is happening to you at that point.


1 Comment

  1. Amazon

    Surge of sad emotions were stirred. This is the sad reality of life. I felt like I was there watching it all unfold. You told the story so vividly. Thank you for this reality jolt. Keep giving us more!

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